
The Tutorial Education Program, created by CAPES in 1979, consists of tutoring learning groups composed of scholarship students (12), volunteers (6) and a tutor teacher. The objective is to provide students with extracurricular activities that complete academic training, seeking to meet the needs of the course more fully and / or expand and deepen the objectives and contents of the curriculum. These extracurricular activities favor academic training both for integration with the professional market and for the development of studies in Graduate Programs. In the case of Grupo PET-Farmácia, most graduates have been inserted into Multiprofessional Residency Programs and Masters. The Pharmacy Tutorial Education Program aims to provide students with extracurricular teaching-research and extension activities in the areas of public health and pharmaceutical assistance. Each year, at least 3 extension projects are developed as the objectives: Promotion and prevention of health problems; and Promotion of the rational use of medicines.