The Pharmaceutical Assistance Graduate Program (PPGAF), whose creation was approved by CAPES in 2017, offers the Professional Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Assistance. The objective is to qualify pharmaceutical and related professionals for the new political and technical-administrative scenario that presents itself in the field of health policies, especially the National Pharmaceutical Assistance Policy. 

The Professional Master's in Pharmaceutical Assistance is of strategic importance for the current scenario of pharmaceutical assistance, promoting the training of professionals who work at the levels of governance, management, development and sustainability in promoting the rational use of medicines in the context of the Unified Health System (SUS) public and supplementary.

This program has one Area of Concentration, "Pharmaceutical Assistance", and two Research Lines: "Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care" and "Governance, Management, Development and Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Assistance".

The faculty is made up of outstanding professionals in their areas of expertise and who participate in an integrated form of research, with experience in the field of Pharmaceutical Assistance, Clinical Pharmacy, Technological Development and Integrative Health Practices.

The Program maintains a partnership with the Government of the State of Pará with the Department of Pharmaceutical Assistance (DEAF) of the State Department of Health of the State of Pará (SESPA), the main bodies of the class.